Like family courts in other states, those in Georgia recognize the many benefits a well-crafted parenting plan provides kids and parents of divorce. Due to this recognition, a parenting plan is necessary when making or formalizing child custody arrangements.
Many parents have a poor understanding of parenting plans and fear the prospect of submitting them to a judge for review. It may help to realize that this is an opportunity for you and your co-parent to express your custody concerns and address them in your plan.
What should you include in an Evans, Georgia, parenting plan?
It is essentially a child custody arrangement, so you must include details about the custody of your child. Here are several examples of what to include in your plan:
- Written visitation schedule
- Each parent’s employment schedule
- How you will exchange custody
- Custody exchange transportation methods
- Child support details
- Custody preferences (joint, sole, physical, etc.)
If you are in the armed forces, you must also ensure your parenting plan has the following information:
- Parent / child contact arrangements
- Transitioning or exchanging custody
- Extended family visitation (when one parent is deployed)
These examples represent just a few basics that your parenting plan should contain. However, it is wise to include as many details as possible. Detailed parenting plans give courts the right tools (and information) to make informed child custody decisions.
If you and your co-parent cannot agree on your parenting plan, you may submit separate ones for the judge to review. Family courts typically select the parenting plan that meets the best interests of the child. They may also create a hybrid of the two documents or make necessary changes to accommodate the child. When divorcing as parents, it is always wise to make sure you have an adequate understanding of divorce and child custody laws in Georgia.